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Meaningful Composition: Jump Start I (Digital Downloads)


Jump Start I is a general remediation writing book for students in fifth grade and up who have not mastered writing three paragraphs or more. It has the basic tools and tricks for all Learn-for-a-Month (LFAM) and Character Ink (CI) writing in the areas of essays, reports, and stories. Students who want to gain two to four years of middle school writing skills in one book have great success with Jump Start I. Once again, this book contains the pre-writing skills needed to complete this book’s projects including the five parts of a paragraph, topic sentence creation, brainstorming, researching, quotation inclusion, thesis statement development, paragraph transitions, outlining card creation, writing opening and closing paragraphs, Checklist Challenge editing revisions, using semicolons, main idea creation, and much more.

Table of Contents for this Book and How to Use The Meaningful Composition program

Samples Lessons 


Jump Start I is a general remediation writing book for students in fifth grade and up who have not mastered writing three paragraphs or more. It has the basic tools and tricks for all Learn-for-a-Month (LFAM) and Character Ink (CI) writing in the areas of essays, reports, and stories. Students who want to gain two to four years of middle school writing skills in one book have great success with Jump Start I.

Once again, this book contains the pre-writing skills needed to complete this book’s projects including the five parts of a paragraph, topic sentence creation, brainstorming, researching, quotation inclusion, thesis statement development, paragraph transitions, outlining card creation, writing opening and closing paragraphs, Checklist Challenge editing revisions, using semicolons, main idea creation, and much more. Long and Strong includes Writing Boxes, Sentence-by-Sentence Outline (S-by-S), and Essay/Report From Given Material about Frosty, Dumbo, dolphins, George Washington Carver, and more.

Additionally, students complete many original projects including a story, a creative essay, and two reports. Note that all of our first semester books from 5-I through and including 9-I  have step-by-step lessons on How to Create and Write From a Sentence-by Sentence Outline Over Given Material and How to Complete the Checklist Challenge.

Be sure to read our Meaningful Composition General Guide & Overview of each book.

See all Meaningful Composition titles :here:

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