Language Arts Lady Store

Previously Character Ink Press Store

WFAM Black Americans’ Contributions Series (Level V)– Benjamin Bannker & Influential Person


This Level V book is designed for advanced high school students and contains the following projects (from pre-writing through final product with all the instruction and skills needed for each assignment):

  • Sentence-by-Sentence Outline–Benjamin Bannker
  • Original “Biographical” Essay About an Influential Person


  • Opening sentences vs. transitional sentences
  • Transitional words and phrases
  • Opening paragraph
  • Closing paragraph
  • Brainstorming
  • Research
  • Color-coded research
  • REASONS & EVIDENCE development
  • Types of opening paragraphs
  • Closing paragraph
  • “Bookend” essay


Available in download form only.

(Teaching a class?  Click on the dropdown and choose “Classroom Use License” to be able to copy and use for your whole classroom or co-op group!)


The Write-for-a-Month (WFAM) series of books is from LAL’s line of digital publications. WFAM is a digital arm of the small- press homeschool publisher, Character Ink Press/Language Arts Lady Blog, and houses a variety of month-long writing books, grammar downloads, readers, and more for teachers, parents, tutors, co-op leaders, and homeschoolers.

The WFAM books are writing/composition books of two to four lengthy lessons each, between 50 and 120 pages per book (depending on the level). These books contain writing projects that last one month (four weeks) and are based on old books/current movies/characters that children and adults love or historical characters/animals/nature topics (indicated by titles/covers). The books contain all types of writing, especially focusing on research reports, essays, and stories.

The projects in the WFAM books all use the author’s signature “Directed Writing Approach,” which takes students by the hand every step of the way from prewriting (brainstorming, character and plot development, research, etc.) to skill building (for projects requiring certain skills, such as quotes or imagery or persuasion, etc.) to outlining (based on the type of writing) to writing rough drafts to editing (via the Checklist Challenge) to final copy. Each project has detailed samples for students to see how the project was written by another student (a rarity in writing programs) and in-depth lessons of all of the skills needed in order to complete that project

Each series contains five books*

  • Level I: Early Elementary
  • Level II: Upper Elementary
  • Level III: Junior High
  • Level IV: High School
  • Level V: Advanced High School

Current titles (five books/levels in each title) include the following:

Write On, Mowgli
Write On, Peter Pan
Write On, Beauty & the Beast
Write On, Christmas Friends
Write On, Slinky Dog
Write On, Dumbo
Write On, Fairy Tales
Write for a Month—Tools and Tricks (best place to start with my methods)
Write for a Month—Twice-Told Tales